Best Practices

Naming Elements

In addition to the naming rules, the following points should be considered when naming elements such as Aspects, Properties or Entities:

  • Avoid abbreviations that are not sufficiently common. Seemingly obvious abbreviations can be misunderstood in different contexts. For example, "temp" could mean "temperature" or "temporary". On the other hand, abbreviating "minimum" and "maximum" with "min" and "max", respectively, is fine. The Aspect Model should be reasonably expressive. Do not add alleged premature optimizations that belong in the Aspect implementation: if you think a Property is name expressive but too long for the runtime payload, consider adding a payload name to the Property’s usage instead of renaming the Property.

  • Do not use redundant naming parts. In particular, the name of an Aspect should not end with "Aspect". It is however fine to distinguish between e.g. an Entity and a related Characteristic by a suffix when necessary.

  • Do not use redundant prefixes, e.g. when authoring an Aspect Model for the domain Foo, do not name your Properties fooCount, fooId etc. Remember that the full identifier of a Property is the versioned namespace concatenated with the element name, e.g. urn:samm:com.mycompany.myapplication:1.0.0#count, so the context is already part of count​'s identifier.

  • The attributes preferredName and description are meant to provide a human-readable name and description, respectively, for example for the generation of documentation from the Aspect Model. If you copy and paste the element’s name to the preferredName, make sure to adjust it:

    • Make the name upper case

    • If the name consists of more than one word (i.e., camelCase), turn it into two words, e.g. the name machineTemperature should become the preferredName Machine Temperature.

  • If there is exactly one Property in an Aspect that has a Collection, List, Set, Sorted Set or Time Series Characteristic (and no other Properties), the Property should be named items.

  • If there is exactly one Property in an Aspect that has a Collection, List, Set or Sorted Set Characteristic (and no other Properties), the Aspect’s name should be in plural. Otherwise, if there is exactly one Property in the Aspect that has a Time Series Characteristic, the Aspect’s name should end with "History". Otherwise, the Aspect’s name should be in singular.

Choosing a Numeric Type

While JSON only distinguishes between number (floating point) and integer, the type hierarchy for Aspect Models provides many more options. There is a distinction between the numeric core types (xsd:integer and the fixed-point type xsd:decimal) and the limited range numbers that correspond to the numeric types as defined in most programming languages (xsd:float and xsd:double as well as the integer types xsd:int, xsd:short etc.).

As an Aspect Model ideally captures as much of the domain semantics as possible, it should not limit itself according to implementation-specific restrictions. In particular, limited range numbers should only be used when the semantics of the numeric range are relevant beyond the implementation of the Aspect. For example, a Property temperature of a sensor could use a limited range type such as xsd:int, when the physical sensor can never provide a value outside of this range, while a Property such as numberOfProducedItems is not logically limited, so it should use xsd:integer.

Choosing a Unit

When trying to refer to a physical unit, please see the Unit Catalog. When searching for the unit, remember that the unit catalog uses British English, e.g., metre instead of meter.

If you’re modeling quantities for which both the metric system and the imperial system provide units, such as meter vs feet, it is always recommended to use the metric system (preferably SI units like meter or others like kilometer if more common in the domain) – unless there are specific reasons to create the model differently. In any case it is strongly discouraged to add multiple Properties in the same scope representing the same value only using different units due to the inherent complexity.

Choosing a Characteristic

The following decision tree helps finding the right Characteristic for a Property.

A common error is using the Text Characteristic for anything resembling a string. Text is intended for values that are meant only for humans, for example a description of a device that is entered by a user as free text. Values such as identifiers, hostnames, table names, license plate numbers etc. should not use the Text Characteristic.

If you create Characteristics that are not limited to your modeled domain but are generally useful, please consider contributing them, so that they can be included in the Semantic Aspect Meta Model’s Characteristic catalog.

characteristics decision tree

Choosing Constraints

Constraints are used to precisely specify limiting conditions of Characteristics. It is recommended to use Constraints thoroughly:

  1. It makes the intent of the respective Property clear for humans reading the model or documentation generated from the model

  2. It allows tooling to generate code for the Aspect that can take the Constraints into account. Validation code corresponding to the Constraints can be directly inserted, thus reducing manual implementation effort.

The following decision tree helps finding matching Constraints for a Characteristic. Note that multiple Constraints can be combined.

If and only if the value has a string-like value space and does not use UTF-8 as an encoding, use an Encoding Constraint for the Property. This will ensure that consumers of the Aspect will not end up with broken special characters.
constraints decision tree

Reuse Elements

It is generally advisable to reuse definitions of existing model elements that describe the desired semantics. This not only ensures efficiency and maintainability, but more importantly, it explicitly expresses that the model builds upon a set of agreed-upon abstractions. Reuse of exising model element definitions makes it clear that your model talks about the same thing. On the other hand, introducing another definition of an allegedly already existing concept is equivalent to stating that the deliberately newly created definition does indeed mean something different. This is particularly useful when model elements are created for terminology that can have many different meanings in various contexts, such as the term "process".

Entities, Characteristics, Events, Constraints and Properties are fundamental components of an Aspect. Reusing these elements across different Aspects ensures consistency, reduces redundancy, and simplifies the management and integration of shared attributes and interactions.