Known issues

All known issues with the Aspect Model Editor are listed here.

See also known limitations.

Issues with validating, loading, and saving Aspect Models (TTL files)

Aspect Model Editor freezes when loading model


When loading an Aspect Model, the Aspect Model Editor freezes in a blurry mode.


This can be caused by previously generated TTL with certain syntax errors. This can be caused by renaming an Entity.

Error when loading RDF


When loading a TTL file to edit an Aspect Model, an Error when loading RDF is shown.


This is caused by fundamental syntax errors in the TTL being loaded. Potential underlying root cause: The used SAMM version is not supported by this version of the Aspect Model Editor.


Check that you have not missed parts of the TTL file. Also check against syntax errors consulting Namespaces and versions (SAMM 2.1.0).

The dataType (see value) that is used as dataType on the Characteristic (see focusNode) is neither an allowed XSD or RDF type, nor a type that is defined as rdfs:Class.


"resultMessage":"The dataType (see value) that is used as dataType on the Characteristic (see focusNode) is neither an allowed XSD or RDF type nor a type that is defined as rdfs:Class."


"resultPath":"urn:samm:com.your.example.namespace:meta-model:1.2.0#dataType" "resultSeverity":""



This can happen if a namespace version is not supported anymore or when setting an unsupported dataType.


Wrong data type

Check that the data types you are using are correct, see Datatypes (SAMM 2.1.0)

Unsupported Namespaces

Check that your currently used namespaces in the TTL file are up to date.

Hint: You can check the current default namespaces via looking at the Movement Example code. Display the Movement Example by clicking the New/Load icon > Create/Upload Aspect Model > Models > Movement Example.

Validation does not stop


When loading a TTL file, units are not loaded correctly. After triggering a validation, this validation does not stop and the user cannot continue to edit the Aspect Model.


The backend validation does not complete successfully. One reason can be that the backend service is not running.


Restart the Aspect Model Editor.

Fixed for Aspect Model Editor 2.1.0 and higher: If the backend is not available, a message is shown to the user.

Validation timeout


After triggering a validation, the validation runs into a timeout.


The backend validation does not complete successfully. One reason can be that the backend service is not running.


Restart the Aspect Model Editor.

Editing elements


While the element edit view is displayed and you adjust something in the editor, the edit view is not updated.


Close the edit elements view and reopen it.

Overlapping elements


As soon as elements overlap, the last created one is displayed above all others.


Move all elements to a free space so that you can see them again.

Other known issues

Aspect Model Editor installation cannot write all files


During installation, some files cannot be written. Popup allows retry or abort.


File path restriction does not allow writing a file.


Install on C:\AME or similar without going deeper in hierarchy.

Cannot add Entity or relate Entity with Characteristic


Trying to add entity / relate entity with Characteristic does not work.


This is the intended behavior. If your Characteristic is a predefined instance, its data type is immutable. In this case you cannot relate it with an Entity.


Should you need to relate this Characteristic with an Entity, change your Characteristic class first and modify your own Entity as suitable.

Key press not recognized


During usage, a key press (e.g. delete to delete an element) is not recognized. Instead, no action happens.


The Aspect Model Editor does not support keystrokes like "del". See Getting started.


Use mouse actions instead, e.g. the toolbar on the top with the Delete icon. You can also change your focus back and forth to try again pressing the delete key.

Some elements seem missing when loading or auto-formatting


After loading an Aspect Model or after auto-format, some elements seem to be missing


Elements may in some cases be moved on top of each other or far away. This can for example happen when there are elements in the Aspect Model that are not connected to the Aspect (directly or via other elements)


  • It is the preferred working style to keep all elements connected to the Aspect (i.e. avoiding the use of "isolated elements")

  • Use dragging an element or auto-format to find if another element is hidden below it

  • Use search to search and focus an element

  • Use zoom or fit to screen or map preview to detect elements that may be far away

Dragging elements may lead to overlap


After importing elements from workspace the element subtree overlaps the present model or the overlap happened from other reason


This happens due autoformat not being enabled or/and the hierarchical layout is disabled


One of the following options can be used to fix the problem:

  1. Right click on the imported element, select the option "Select all references" and drag the elements to a free space

  2. Manually select the desired elements and drag them to a free space

  3. Switch to hierarchical layout from settings and:

    1. (autoformat disabled) Click format button from toolbar. All elements will be rearranged without overlapping

    2. (autoformat enabled) When importing from workspace, the format happens automatically and the elements will not overlap. In case of overlapping click format button.

Uninstaller not available


The "Aspect Model Editor Uninstaller" is not available when searching via Windows search bar, see

uninstall error


Unknown root cause.


Uninstall via context menu which will lead to add/remove programs

uninstall 04
uninstall 05

MacOS: JavaScript error occurred in the main process


Error message when starting the Aspect Model Editor on MacOS.


If your MacOS version is running Apple’s new security feature, it could happen that the application is started in a kind of sandbox. You can easily detect this by reading the following in the JavaScript error message: Uncaught Exception: Error: spawn /private/var…​ (see image below).

error mac javascript main process


The keyword here is /private/var, which means that your application is in a kind of quarantine and can only be unlocked by you. For this you must open your terminal and execute the following command:

xattr -r -d /Applications/AspectModelEditor/

Please note that the path to the application can change and this is only the default path.

Please keep in mind that this is not an official Apple version, and it must be confirmed in the security settings first. You may be asked several times before the app opens.

If your security settings are enabled to launch unverified applications, the following error messages may pop up. These must be pre-approved in the security settings of your system.

error mac javascript main process approval

The following should be considered when approving:

  • Error messages must not be closed.

  • Go to System Preferences and click on Security & Privacy.

  • Open the General tab and click on the small padlock at the left bottom corner to make changes.

  • Enter your admin password.

  • Close messages and restart the Aspect Model Editor.