Create a new model

To start modeling, proceed as follows:

create new model

  1. Click on the menu on FILENew…​ File menu.

  2. Choose one of the following options:

    • Click Empty model to start from scratch with an empty editor canvas.

    • Click Load from File to open a file containing TTL code.

    • Click Models/SimpleAspect or Movement Example to start from an Simple Aspect or Movement Example.

    • Copy and paste TTL code of an existing model into the text area.

Copy and Paste

copy paste file
  1. As an expert you are able to modify the shown TTL code manually within the text area.

  2. Click Load Model.

Save the model

The model will be saved in your local workspace directory with the name of the Aspect element.

save to workspace

In the Workspace you can find all models stored so far.

see model in workspace

The models are separated by namespace.
To learn more about namespaces see Namespaces and references.